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clear air turbulence


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Uploaded 2024-05-29


Qatar Airways QR17

May 26,2024

     This turbulence event occurred during the prediction period for Major Events, Turbulence High Risk of May 17 - June 10.


Uploaded 2024-05-24

Uploaded 2024-05-24

Uploaded 2024-05-24


Singapore Airlines

May 21, 2024

     Note that symmetry involving Aldebaran & Spica tends to be associated with weather events.





Clear air turbulence (cat) event

hannibal, mo


     note the two distinct alignments - jupiter/saturn and moon/sun/venus/mars! the resulting ~170 degree angles of mn/
sun/venus/mars with j/s and spica emulate the constant 170.0 degree angle found between antares and aldebaran.

     a large aircraft went for a roller-coaster ride high in the sky with plus and minus g acceleration!

     a good example of a cat event is the dc-8 which lost one engine and an 18-20 foot section of wing in december 1992. the adjacent and opposite forces can sometimes be very closely associated (1).




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clear air turbulence (cat)

storm-related turbulence



Turbulence - flight 1427

april 16, 2008


      flight 1427 was headed from denver to phoenix and encountered "heavy turbulence" according to arturo santiago of cbs4 in denver(1).

it returned to denver where two people were taken to the hospital for injuries.

     note the clear mirror-image symmetry in which jupiter is opposite the star spica. uranus is opposite saturn/regulus and mercury/sun is opposite pollux.




t-38 crash

wichita falls, tx

may 1, 2008

    conditions were windy on this day, so turbulence or clear air turbulence is the likely cause of this fatal accident which occurred on landing approach. a second possibility is an electromagnetic anomaly which could have affected electrical systems.

                          The balance of this page is being used as an archive.

              It includes info on various topics.


Uploaded July 30, 2019



July 27, 2019

    This Aldebaran-Spica Symmetry was partly responsible for the DC power outage and the India Flood. Symmetry with this particular pair of stars results in Electromagnetic

Disturbances and weather events. The persistent Triple K pattern shown below is also responsible for these events.


Uploaded July 16, 2019   Edited July 18, 2019

Uploaded July 16, 2019  Edited July 18, 2019

Uploaded August 5, 2019 


Linked to Planet-Star Persistent Pattern

     Please note that there have been FIVE major blackouts

on a global basis during a 22 day period. Chart shows there will be two dates in which the S-Ant and U-Ald delta or difference will be zero - Sept 15 and Nov 7. This means that the symmetry shown above will be almost perfect. Watch for 10 significant events globally per week between

Aug 5 and Dec 31.


Uploaded July 16, 2019

***Long-term pattern in 2019***

Saturn-Uranus-Star-Star Symmetry

has triggered numerous events in 2019

including the Ethiopia 737 Crash,

Notre Dame Fire, California Earthquake,

UNR Boiler & Gas Explosion and

NC KFC Gas Explosion.

Symmetry will persist through

December 2019. Peak will be in

Mid-November. Watch for events on a

daily basis. Measles will increase

in frequency during the second half

of 2019.

Text Edited July 18, 2019



September 8, 2017

   Note the clear Double K subpattern connected with this Great Earthquake and two simultaneous hurricanes. The Earth-Spica axis is reinforced with Jupiter and Uranus. The Earth-Regulus axis is reinforced with both Mercury (not shown) and Mars.


June 13, 2017

    Please note that there were 8 bodies on 4 symmetric axes associated with this horrendous event.






June 10-11, 2017

  Note the simple yet powerful subpattern composed of Sun, Jupiter, Aldebaran and Spica. Aldebaran-Spica triads or tetrads are commonly associated with weather and sometimes with electrical events.




Cambria, Wisconsin

    Note that there were actually eight bodies distributed over four axes in this Wisconsin ethanol explosion.



Aleutian Islands, Alaska

     This pattern is simply a reinforcement of the pre-existing stellar K pattern described at the bottom of this page. Uranus was opposite Spica, the Sun lined up with Aldebaran and the Moon was in close proximity to Pollux.



Texas to Indiana

    Note the symmetric Moon-Star symmetry associated with this multi-tornado event. There were 35 tornadoes linked to this particular astronomical pattern. Venus and Jupiter were still opposed at 179.6 degrees on this date. KWCH12 reported the snapped trees and debris.



Texas to Wisconsin

    31 tornadoes hit from Texas all the way to Wisconsin in just a SIX HOUR PERIOD! Venus and Jupiter were opposed during this time and on the afternoon of the 16th, the Moon set up a temporary symmetry with both Venus and Jupiter. Please note the following occurence pattern:


Date UTC Tornadoes
05/15 2347 1
05/16 1945- 31
05/17 0148  
05/17 1910- 5
05/18 1902- 15

Table uploaded 2017/05/19 0010 UTC

  Note the tornadoes fire up at about the same time each day. The central time zone was pointing approximately toward the same point in space for each episode.


Energetic Solar Event Predicted

for November 5, 2016

Coronal Mass Ejection Exits Sun

at >1 Million MPH

    A Coronal Mass Ejection - CME - exited the Sun on November 5, 2016 at ~0400 UTC. A flare or CME had been predicted for 1830 UTC. A Septet of axes had developed just at that time. There were 8 bodies on 7 axes. And the Mars-Neptune angular separation was just 0.9 degrees.

    A symmetric pattern had developed with the geometry centered on Regulus -  a rapid rotator star 77 light years distant.



Richter Magnitude 4.3

September 26, 2016

    Note the Double K pattern within the ecliptic (Sun-Earth) plane.

    It turns out that Jupiter was very nearly in this same position for the historic 1815 Tambora volcanic eruption. In this case, both Sun and Jupiter are on an axis which sets up 3-dimensional symmetry with extra-ecliptic stars.

    The Moon is also on an axis that has the same result. Saturn was on this same axis, but at a point opposite in the sky for the huge Tambora eruption!

    Please view the Tambora diagram near the bottom of this page.


EF4 OK Tornado

Wynnewood, OK

May 9, 2016

  Note the Triple K subpattern associated with this powerful twister in south central Oklahoma. The Sun and Mercury were symmetrically opposite the Moon for this awesome storm. Mercury was in the inferior position relative to the Sun and was only 0.4 degrees from the Sun. Inferior means an alignment of Sun-Body-Earth.


October 23, 2015

Category 5 Storm

    Note the obvious symmetry of Jupiter and Saturn with the ecliptic star Spica. Symmetry with this star is often associated with weather events.



Repeat Patterns Possible for

Saturn & Uranus in

1344 & 1934

Nepal Earthquakes

     1344 is a commonly accepted Carbon-14 date for a large rupture in the Nepal Himalayas. A date was found - July 16 - on which both Saturn and Uranus exhibited repeat positions compared to the 1934 known date earthquake. Further, the Sun was on the same axis for both dates, but at opposite points in the sky.

    Note the mirror-image position for Jupiter in both earthquakes.

    Please note that the ruptures which occurred ~590 years apart were on adjacent portions of the same fault - the Himalayan Main Thrust Fault.

    <<<The repeat pattern for Saturn and Uranus is strong evidence that astronomical patterns control the timing and occurence of earthquakes!>>>




January 15, 1934

     A triad of axes is associated with this major event from 1934. Both Mars and Saturn appear at the midpoint between Aldebaran and Jupiter-Spica. Please compare to the 2015 Nepal earthquake in which Saturn and Uranus are symmetric with Aldebaran and Spica- a tetrad instead of a triad.



Kathmandu, Nepal

April 25, 2015

     This earthquake shows a planet-star symmetry composed of Saturn, Uranus, Aldebaran and Spica. The 1934 Nepal-Bihar 8.1 magnitude quake also exhibited Aldebaran-Spica symmetry with Mars-Saturn splitting the Star-Star angle.

     The 1934 earthquake had 9 angles ranging from 132.4 to 136.8 degrees when looking at Sun, Moon, Planets (except Pluto) and six ecliptic stars shown at the bottom of this page. In comparison, the 2015 quake had 8 angles within this range.




Houston, Tx

May 26, 2015

    Please view the diagram of the ecliptic K-structure at the very bottom of this page. This K-structure is composed of four stars within the Sun-Earth plane.

    Five different Solar System bodies compliment this pre-existent K structure: Neptune, Mercury, Sun, Mars and Moon. Together they comprise a split K with reinforced backbone.

    Gravitational energy from all these bodies work in concert to affect the Earth's core and mantle. Electromagnetic energy from ongoing nuclear decay within the Earth is channeled toward the Earth's surface to produce an intense electromagnetic disturbance(EMD). The EMD then triggers storms and rainfall since water is susceptible to magnetic fields.

     Please note the agreement of the May 24, 2015 0700 UTC date and time generalized Earth Events prediction with the record rainfall in Wimberley, Texas. This same pattern was in effect for this awesome Hill Country event, with the exception that the Moon set up a Moon-Jupiter symmetry with Spica and Mars-Aldebaran. KXAN reported that the water flow was 223,000 cubic feet per second - 2.5 times the flow of Niagara Falls!



Blanco River Crest

May 24, 2015

     This is a symmetric subpattern right at the time of the Blanco River Crest. The contributing bodies form a triad of axes which includes Aldebaran and Spica. Triads and Tetrads including these two stars are frequently associated with weather events.


Texas Floods, Great Plains Tornadoes,

India Heat Wave

Late May 2015

      An underlying mirror-image astronomical subpattern was associated with numerous late May 2015 weather events. Texas Floods, Great Plains Tornadoes and a heat wave in India all had a Mars-Neptune-Ecliptic Star symmetric subpattern in common.





May 9, 2015

      Note the split triple K pattern associated with these events. There was a large tornado near Mangum, Texas within about 5 minutes of the transformer explosion in New York state. The geocentric symmetries produce electromagnetic disturbances which can result in tornadoes, fires and aviation accidents.



April 9, 2015

     Note the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn symmetry relative to Earth on this date. This Sun-Large Planet subpattern is also symmetric with two stars - Regulus and Pollux. For an interesting comparison, please view the Great Bend, Kansas tornado diagram near the bottom of the tornado page.



Power Outage

April 7, 2015

     This power outage affected parts of S Maryland and Washington DC. Note that Uranus and Mercury are roughly in line with the Sun. A tetrad of axes forms a symmetric subpattern. The tetrad is Spica, Regulus, Aldebaran and Sun-Mercury-Uranus.

     The symmetric gravitational fields from this subpattern plus several others combine to affect the Earth's core and indirectly produces a point-specific electromagnetic disturbance at the Earth's surface. In this case, the disturbance results in a fire at a large transformer in Maryland and subsequent disruption of electrical service in parts of the S Maryland/DC area.






March 27, 2015

     Note the Saturn, Uranus, Aldebaran, Spica subpattern associated with this extreme weather event. There were other subpatterns at this time also.





March 27, 2015

     This is an underlying subpattern associated with the large wall prominence which exploded into a coronal mass ejection. Note the Saturn-Uranus angular separation of 136.5 degrees which is only 2/10 of one degree difference from the long-term 136.7 degrees characteristic of Antares-Pollux.

      Saturn and Uranus appear to be primarily responsible for the sunspot cycle. Please check out the solar system page for the Saturn and Uranus 1/4 cycles associated with the sunspot cycle.





March 25, 2015


    Note the Mars, Neptune, Antares, Pollux tetrad (group of four) associated with this event. The Earth-Mars axis was reinforced because Mars was opposite Spica (not shown).

    In Sand Springs, near Tulsa, Oklahoma, a mobile home park was affected, with one fatality. In Moore, near Oklahoma City, cars were flipped on I-35.

    Neptune is approximately perpendicular to the Antares-Aldebaran backbone and will be for about 2-3 years. This particular position will result in increased numbers of electromagnetic disturbances and extreme weather events during this period.



March 13, 2015

     Note the Mars-Uranus alignment. Although this configuration exhibited a tetrad (group of four) of axes, this alignment allowed for five bodies to be distributed among the four axes. There were other symmetric patterns.





February 24, 2015

       Note the Jupiter-Saturn angular separation of 99.9 degrees is identical with the Antares-Regulus long-term angle. Jupiter and Saturn are offset from these two stars and thus set up a symmetric tetrad (group of four). This is an underlying subpattern and there were other symmetries that occurred with this event. referred to this event as a "spectacular eruption."




February 4, 2015

    Note the triad of axes associated with this tragic event in Taipei, Taiwan: Sun-Earth-Moon-Jupiter, Earth-Aldebaran and Earth-Spica. Symmetric patterns associated with the Aldebaran-Spica pair are commonly correlated with electromagnetic disturbances and weather events.



December 28, 2014

    Note the Aldebaran-Spica pentad (group of five) which includes Sun, Moon, Mars, Aldebaran and Spica. This subpattern is commonly associated with electromagnetic disturbances including aviation accidents, fires and explosions.






August 24, 2014

        Note Moon and Venus at the Aldebaran-Spica midpoint. This subpattern is usually associated with electromagnetic disturbances (including aviation accidents and explosions) and tornadoes. However, there can be crossover with geological events.

    There was also 3-dimensional symmetry outside the ecliptic plane. The Sun, Regulus and Neptune set up symmetric angles with Achernar and Deneb (Alpha cygni) (not shown).




Coronal Mass Ejection

June 4, 2014

Solar Prediction Made for Date

     Note the Triple K Pattern associated with this intense Solar event. Venus, Neptune, Spica and Pollux formed a rather tight astronomical tetrad. And Saturn was symmetrically opposite the Center of the Galaxy. Uranus, Antares, Pollux and Regulus formed another tetrad (not shown).

           In addition, Mercury and Mars were almost perfectly aligned relative to the Sun. That alignment set up a 112.5 degree angular separation with Pollux. That angle matched the long-term angular separations of 111.5 degrees of Spica-Achernar and the 111.3 degree angle of Spica-Deneb. These angles are not shown.

    The solar prediction date and time was June 4, 2014 at 1800 UTC. The prediction was for a CME and Flare. It appears the CME began at approximately 1730 UTC according to on the June 5, 2014 page which refers back to the June 4, 2014 event.





May 13, 2014

     An electrical transformer blew up in this mine disaster and cost many coal workers their lives. There was a symmetric astronomical pentad pattern associated with this event. The pentad was composed of Antares, Mars, Regulus, Pollux and Sun.

    But 1) Aldebaran was opposite Antares, 2) Venus and Uranus were opposite Mars, and 3) Saturn was opposite Sun. So three axes out of the five-axis pentad pattern were reinforced.              Furthermore, the Earth-Saturn axis has been associated with Electromagnetic Disturbance events. This could be classified as a Saturn-opposition event, since the Earth was in between the Sun and Saturn.




(Also Kelut)

February 13, 2014

     Please reference the Sinabung eruption pattern immediately below and note the Triple K pattern common to both events. Both volcanoes are located in Indonesia. For Sinabung on Feb 1, 2014, the Sun is symmetricaly opposite Uranus. For Kelud on Feb 13, 2014, the Moon is on the same axis, but at a point almost exactly opposite the Sun's position for Sinabung. This position makes the Moon also symmetrically opposite Uranus for a major eruption.          

    Volcanoes are classified according the Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI). Level 1 is the lowest rating, although many eruptions fall below this level. Mt St Helens in 1980 was rated as VEI 5, while Krakatoa in 1883 was rated as VEI 6. The largest eruption in the last 1,000 years was Tambora in 1815 and was rated as VEI 7.

          A search on the Smithsonian Institution site for Kelud reveals 33 confirmed eruptions in the VEI 2-5 range since 1,000 AD. There are 8 pairs of eruption dates which have a difference (delta) of 175-185 years. At 178 years, the four largest planets all repeat approximate whole cycles. The eruption date delta information is a good indication that the large planets are involved in triggering repeat eruptions for a given volcano!



February 1, 2014

     Note the Triple K pattern associated with this intense eruption. There were unfortunately 14 fatalities associated with this eruption event. There were numerous other symmetries that occurred just at the time of this volcanic explosion.



Dallas, TX

December 5, 2013

      Freezing rain - a result of supercooled liquid water - hit SE Oklahoma and then North Texas on the afternoon and then evening of Dec 5, 2013. Liquid water can actually cool below 32 degrees. Then, on contact with another object or ice crystals, will immediately crystallize into the solid state - ice.

               A tetrad of axes formed a major subpattern for this event: Uranus, Pollux, Regulus and the Sun. Neptune was opposite Regulus and Venus was opposite Pollux. The Moon was in conjuction with Venus at about 3PM CST and also opposite Pollux. This resulted in seven bodies aligned on the four axes.       There were actually six pairs of bodies which showed the 140-141 degree angular separation.

      An altered geomagnetic field is the probable cause for the supercooling phenomena.

      Please see the Buffalo, New York Turboprop crash on the PowerOutage/Aviation Accidents page for another example of freezing rain/icing associated with multiple symmetries.






November 17, 2013

     These tornadoes fell very close to prediction time on predictions page - the first tornado occurred within 2 hours of prediction time which was at exact full moon.  Earthquake and Volcano also fell on prediction date. Kliuchevskoy Volcano in Kamchatka Russia erupted with ash attaining 40,000 ft altitude one day later.

     Please note that tetrads including Aldebaran-Spica commonly include weather events. This tetrad actually included six bodies on the four axes - Uranus, Spica, Antares-Aldebaran and Sun-Moon. There were other symmetries at this time also.



September 11, 2013

      Note the Quintuple K pattern associated with this event. Especially important is the tetrad subpattern composed of Sun-Jupiter-Aldebaran-Spica(not shown). Aldebaran-Spica subpatterns are usually associated with weather events. The Moon was aligned with Antares at the end of the day on Sept 11 and proceeded counter-clockwise on the diagram.




September 12, 2013

     Note the Quintuple K pattern associated with this event. Especially important is the tetrad subpattern composed of Sun-Jupiter-Aldebaran-Spica(not shown). Aldebaran-Spica subpatterns are often associated with weather and electrical events.

         There was also a Sun-Moon-Spica-Pollux tetrad (not shown) which was contributory to this event.

    The Moon was at the upper left of the diagram.

         This fire was started by electrical arc underneath the boardwalk.


Click on diagram for Explosions/Seizures Page

Note mirror-image position of Moon compared to Florida Propane Explosion


Fire Start Date August 17, 2013

See diagrams below for persistent astronomical pattern during summer of 2013

Associated events during August 2013

                -High Pressure Western US

                -100 degrees plus Western US 8/17

                -Low Pressure Eastern US Rain/Floods

                -No Tornadoes 8/17

                -Lightning Storm in AZ

                -Google outage CA 8/16

                   -B1 Crash MT 8/19

                    -Volcanic Eruptions

                                                  Sakurajima Ash Plume 20k ft 8/18

                     Manam, Papua New Guinea 8/20

                     3 Volcanoes Raised Alert Level Chile 8/21

                     7 Volc's Raised Alert Level Russia 8/22

               -No cause assigned to Fire as of 8/24/13

              -Possible Causes - Electromagnetic -

                                    Static Electricity, Arson

                    -Links for Rim Fire








Click on diagram for more tornadoes


June 2013 Events Associated

with Planet-Star Symmetry

       Saturn and Uranus are forming a precise symmetry with a star named Pollux within the Ecliptic Plane. The angles vary, but the symmetry is tight from January to September 2013.

       June 2013 events include floods in Canada, India and Europe, Fires in the US and Indonesia, Volcanic eruptions of Popocateptl and Pacaya, a large tornado at Denver, a large waterspout in Louisiana, two chemical plant explosions in Louisiana, 794 wind reports in the US on June 13, a freak storm in Switzerland, extreme turbulence on a Singapore to London flight, Alaska heat wave, NE US lightning strike and Western US extreme heat wave.








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