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Uploaded 2024-05-27, Edited 2024-05-29
May 26, 2024 UTC
Note that symmetry involving Spica tends to be associated with weather events.

Uploaded 2024-05-27
May 21, 2024
Note that symmetry involving Spica tends to be associated with weather events.

Uploaded 2023-04-01
Little Rock, AR
March 31, 2023
Note the Venus-Uranus alignment associated with Antares-Spica symmetric subpattern. This longer series with 69 tornado reports lasted 16 hours - just at the time Venus was aligned with Uranus.

Uploaded 2023-04-01
Rolling Forks, MS
March 24, 2023
Note the Moon-Uranus alignment associated with Antares-Spica symmetric subpattern. This short series with 41 tornado reports lasted only 5 1/2 hours - just at the time Moon was aligned with Uranus.

Uploaded 2023-03-28
Rolling Forks, MS
March 24, 2023
Note the comprehensive symmetry which includes both ecliptic stars and large planets. There are 8 objects on a total of 7 axes. Note especially the Jupiter, Saturn, Antares, Alhena tetrad or group of four axes. On this date there was a minor eruption of Popo volcano in Mexico and a methane explosion at a chocolate factory in Pennsylvania.
This comprehensive pattern persisted for the March 31, 2023 Little Rock Tornado series.

Uploaded 2023-01-25
January 24, 2023
Please note the Tetrad of Axes - 4 Axes - composed of Spica, Sun, Venus/Saturn and Aldebaran/Mars/Antares. A trio or tetrad of axes involving Aldebaran and Spica is commonly found for storms or tornadoes. Venus and Saturn do not frequently align. On Jan 30, 2023 the website showed 26 tornadoes for this calendar date (utc).

Uploaded 2022-01-10
January 8, 2022
This astronomical subpattern was somewhat similiar to the Dec 10, 2021 Amazon warehouse subpattern. It showed a Triple K and this subpattern shows a Quadruple K Subpattern. Multiple 4' X 8' plywood sheets were ripped from the structure in seconds. The tornado itself only lasted about 5-10 seconds.

Uploaded 2021-04-26
April 23, 2021
There were six tornadoes in one hour in the vicinity - and some were large. Note the precise symmetry with respect to the Antares-Aldebaran backbone.

March 25, 2021
Note the Aldebaran-Spica Tetrad which is commonly associated with storms and tornadoes.

Uploaded March 4, 2020
March 3, 2020
The background astronomical pattern for the Tennessee tornadoes was a Sun-Jupiter-Aldebaran-Spica Tetrad. Aldebaran-Spica Tetrads are common with tornadoes and electromagnetic disturbances.

Uploaded March 4, 2020
March 4, 2020
Please observe the Jupiter-Star-Star symmetry associated with the Tennesse tornadoes. In addition the Moon-Saturn angle for the Nashville tornado was precisely 139.9 degrees

August 24, 2016
Please note the geometric or symmetric long term underlying pattern associated with this event. There were 42 tornadoes arranged in an extremely tight pattern.

Nebraska, Iowa, S Dakota
Note the similarity of the 3-D subpattern with the Joplin 3-D subpattern as shown below. The tornadoes occurred within 2 hours of the New Moon.
A multi-spectrum geophysical prediction was made for the time of the New Moon. Author's note: Please understand this particular prediction was made on Oct 2, three days before the event, after weather predictions were in place. Nevertheless, this prediction protocol was able to pinpoint the time of occurrence of tornadoes.
The massive early-season blizzard in S Dakota also
occurred on this date. Thousands of cattle were killed by this event.

May 22, 2011
Note the ~120 degree angles arranged in a 3-dimensional pattern.

grand isle, louisiana
june 19, 2013 2045 utc
broad spectrum geo events predicted for 1730 utc
note the obvious saturn-uranus-pollux triad. this triad, with slight variations in angular separation, has persisted from january 2013 and will continue through the end of september 2013.
this particular event has an unusual distinction - three simultaneous symmetries - moon-saturn, sun-jupiter opposite galactic center and mercury-venus. each of these alignment pairs are part of symmetric subpatterns.

tornado outbreak
oklahoma city
may 31, 2013
this el reno event was a multi-vortex tornado. tornadoes with heavy rains continued for several hours in the okc area.
there were two long-term subpatterns - not shown - which accentuated this outbreak - a saturn-uranus-pollux triad and a jupiter-saturn-regulus triad. they both maxed about the time of this outbreak.

moore tornado damage may 20, 2013
used with permission

moore, ok
may 20, 2013
this ef5 tornado caused about 30 square miles of damage (1). 13,000 homes were estimated to be damaged (2).
it was associated with a triple k symmetric astronomical pattern. saturn was opposite alhena and the sun was symmetrically opposite jupiter.
significantly, the angular separation between mercury and venus was 3.4 degrees. and mercury was closely aligned with aldebaran - part of the antares-earth-aldebaran line which makes the backbone of the long-term ecliptic stellar k pattern.
please scroll down to the oklahoma city tornadoes diagram for may 24, 2011 and note the small planet alignment which was part of a double k subpattern.
click on links:
national weather service assessment -
satellite image of supercell thunderstorms - copy and paste
debris signature -,0,6883132.story
(1) according to mike morgan on kfor channel 4
(2) according to bryan williams on nbc 5/22/13

mammatus clouds okc area - day of shawnee tornado
copyright 2013 matt maddox
shawnee, ok
may 19, 2013
this tornado devasted a trailer park outside shawnee. the rigid i-beams from a double-wide trailer were separated from the frame and actually bent and twisted (1). this could be partially due to the disturbed magnetic field known to be associated with tornadoes.
the astronomical pattern was actually a quadruple k, with the moon and regulus forming one of the k structures.
(1) jon welsh - kfor channel 4 okc may 19, 2013

moore, ok
may 3, 1999
this f5 event was also associated with a triple k subpattern. <<saturn was on the same axis as the 2013 ef5, but at a point opposite in the sky!>> this still resulted in a symmetric subpattern with the star alhena.
uranus split the aldebaran-spica angle. a triad or tetrad involving aldebaran and spica is common for weather events.

norman, ok 4/13/12 tornado copyright 2012 matt maddox

norman, ok 4/13/12 tornado copyright 2012 matt maddox

norman, ok tornado
april 13, 2012
this subpattern is a tetrad composed of four axes: moon-earth, neptune-earth-mars-regulus, aldebaran-venus-earth-antares and sun-earth-saturn-spica. antares and regulus are not shown. a symmetric triad or tetrad which includes aldebaran and spica is commonly found associated with tornadoes.

restoration after 4/13/12 norman tornado
copyright 2012 matt maddox

thurman, ia tornado
april 14, 2012

woodward, ok tornado
april 15, 2012

mars dust devil
february 16, 2012
note the similarity between this subpattern and the subpattern for the huntsville, al tornadoes on march 2, 2012. a symmetric triad or tetrad with antares and pollux is common for earthbound tornadoes. also, a triad or tetrad including aldebaran and spica is a common subpattern for earth tornadoes.

huntsville, alabama tornadoes
march 2, 2012
note the mercury/uranus axes which split the antares-pollux angle. this same line was occupied by the large planets in the summer of 2010 - a summer with hundreds of tornadoes. however, it is normal to have many tornadoes in the early summer. the lineup was u-j-e-s - with allowances for some movement in position.
please see the february 29, 2012 midwest tornadoes diagram below which shows the long-term symmetric tetrad composed of jupiter, uranus, antares and regulus.

harrisburg, il tornado
february 29, 2012
note the sun at right angles to the antares-aldebaran backbone. the sun-aldebaran angle was 89.7 degrees.

midwest tornadoes
february 29, 2012
note the symmetric tetrad of jupiter, uranus, antares and regulus associated with this tornado outbreak.

tornado outbreak
oklahoma city area
may 24, 2011
note the small planet alignment on may 24 consisting of mercury, venus and mars. as gravitational energy from astronomical bodies permeates the crust, mantle and core, the earth experiences symmetrical patterns - in this case a double k pattern.
this symmetry results in a disturbed geomagnetic field which generates the tornadoes. charged particles- most commonly water- with its partial polar nature- tend to spiral around the disturbed magnetic field.
other substances which are magnetically susceptible include iron contained in steel objects. the iron is sensitive to the powerful magnetic fields- thus the twisted steel beams found in so many damaged buildings. the water in tree bark and leaves would also be sensitive to the intense disturbed fields.
a full breakdown of the may 24, 2011 oklahoma city tornado outbreak is given by the national weather service.

joplin, mo tornado
may 22, 2011
this tornado has been rated as ef-5. note the long-term extra-ecliptic star symmetry composed of angles in the 119-120 degree range. this same pattern is echoed in the ecliptic plane with angles of 119-121 degrees. the saturn-star angle is exactly within the range at 120 degrees.
so when considering the moon, saturn and 4 stars including aldebaran, regulus, achernar and deneb there are seven angles within 119-121 degrees - very symmetrical!

us tornado outbreak
april 27, 2011
as of may 1, the site showed 263 tornadoes for this incredible weather event. this jupiter-saturn, saturn-uranus symmetric pattern was actually one of several subpatterns for that particular day. since the large planets travel through the sky slowly, this was an underlying subpattern that contributed to the overall symmetry for that day.
note that the long-term angular separation for antares and aldebaran is 170.0 degrees and was matched closely by both the j-s and s-u angles.

us tornado outbreak
april 14-16, 2011
this outbreak included 240+ tornadoes across the south and east us over a three day period.
a long-term subpattern for this period is depicted - a tetrad including saturn, neptune, antares and pollux.
at the same time, an annual pattern including the sun opposite spica occurred- setting up a symmetry with the very long-term stellar k pattern composed of antares, aldebaran, spica and pollux.

selected events
march 8-11, 2010

noaa photo - union city 5/24/1973

super tuesday tornadoes
february 6-7, 2008
this is an annual sun-star 3-d subpattern repeated every february 6. this year it was enhanced with mercury in the inferior conjunction position which means there was a sun-mercury-earth line at the time of the tornadoes. in addition, neptune happened to be within about 5 degrees of this line.
this line bisects or splits the aldebarn-spica angle with the earth, resulting in object-aldebaran and object-spica angles of about 113 degrees.
other events with an object on this axis include:
sugar factory fire in ga - 2/7/08 - sun, mercury
bp explosion in texas city, tx - 3/23/05 - neptune
ammonium nitrate explosion, germany - 9/21/21 - n
airframe failure, military jet - 11/02/07 - moon
felix hurricane - category 5 - 9/03/07 - venus
777 steep climb incident - 8/2/05 - n opposite mercury
intrasite links
vehicular sudden
unintended acceleration
astrosymm main page espagnol
tropical storms tornadoes solar system
ecliptic/volcanoes shuttle
climate/el nino/la nina nuclear
ozone explosions
power outage/aviation accidents
earthquakes/clear air turbulence
predictions 2008 <<<mayan>>>
attribution/contact storms

barneveld, wisconsin
the pattern for the barneveld f-5 tornado (1) shows large planet-star symmetry matching the fixed angle of alhena-adebaran already present. this large planet-star symmetry is centered on the antares-aldebaran axis. please compare this with the pattern for another extreme geophysical event- volcano tambora!
the really intriguing thing about this correlation is that russia also suffered a major tornado (2) within 48 hours!

great bend, ks
sun-planet subpattern

tornadoes 1916, 1917, 1918
may 20 codell, ks