Hazard at Diablo Canyon -
Moderate Shallow Earthquake Can
Produce Severe to Violent Shaking
Diagram uploaded 2019/02/20
A 5.8M earthquake hit Agadir, Morocco in 1960 at a shallow depth of 9 miles producing Modified Mercalli shaking intensity of VIII to IX - severe to violent shaking. There were 12,000 fatalities.The quake didn't even fall into the USGS strong category. There is a blind thrust fault directly underneath Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Even a moderate earthquake could set up another Fukushima - but will cost the US taxpayers - not PG & E - at least $2T's.

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chelyabinsk 1957 & tokai 1999
russian researchers (1) observed neutron fluxes in the crimea and kamchatka before the sumatra earthquake. other researchers have observed similiar correlations.
energetic neutrons are involved in nuclear reactions.
with both the 1957 chelyabinsk and the 1999 tokai criticality accidents, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake occurred somewhere globally within 24 hours!
this means that for both these criticality accidents there was a three-fold correlation of 1) the criticality event 2) the major earthquake and 3) astronomical symmetry!
a neutron event outside the tokai nuclear facility has been documented(2).
also, there were three significant criticality accidents within thirty days in 1957 which included chelyabinsk! the double k subpattern including jupiter, uranus, spica and pollux would have been active during this time period.
notice the almost identical position of the sun and the 42-year flip of uranus for these two events! 42 years comprise a half-cycle of uranus.
(1) e. sigaeva et al, thermal neutrons’ observations before the sumatra earthquake, geophysical research abstracts, vol.8, 00435, 2006
sref-id: 1607-7962/gra/egu06-a-00435, copyright european geosciences union 2006
(2) fujimoto, kenzo, national institute of radiological sciences, chiba, japan, "nuclear accident in tokai, japan"

chernobyl - 1986
bird's eye view of ecliptic from the north
in this diagram the moon is opposite the axis of uranus/galactic center. the angle is split by the antares-aldebaran backbone fortified by the position of saturn. please note the 29-year repeat appearance of saturn in the same sky location for both chelyabinsk and chernobyl - globally the worst two nuclear accidents to date!
although this has been construed as strictly a man-made accident, there may have been a contribution from nature in the form of energetic thermal neutrons. please see discussion above for tokai and chelyabinsk.

tomsk-7 accident
3-d ecliptic tilt view
please note the angular separations with 60 and 120 degree repeats for this event. these are in both the sun-earth (ecliptic) plane and outside the plane. this was a vigorous explosion in 1993. jupiter is in almost exactly the same position for this event compared to 1957 chelyabinsk. that is 3 orbital cycles of jupiter within 2-3 degrees!

three-mile island
note the 45 and 90 degree angles involved with this nuclear accident in 1979. saturn will be in this position twice from november 2007 through august 2008!

idaho falls - 1961
in 1961 there was an explosion inside the nuclear reactor at idaho falls, idaho. at the moment it occurred, there were two alignments in the solar system- venus-earth-uranus- regulus and saturn-jupiter-mercury-sun-earth-mars. if venus were taken as the representative for one alignment and jupiter taken as the other, then the moon exactly split the angle between the two lines.

three-dimensional symmetry
sun-star angles for selected dates
this diagram shows the importance of two axes in relation to high-energy events. for example, the sun's position for both the 2003 columbia accident and the 2006 krypton accident in florida was very close to the february 2nd position. on about february 2nd each year, the sun-star angles are as follows:
sun-antares 63.2
sun-achernar 64.5
sun-deneb 62.4
in addition, when the large planets show up at this position, a very similar 3-dimensional symmetry develops. the moon and venus also have somewhat similar numbers, but will vary with each visit due to their orbital planes (inclinations).
these axes are important for various high-energy events.please check the following events to find the approximate angular separation values of 64/116 degrees with antares or aldebaran to find the repetition of these two axes correlated with high-energy events: tambora, tokaimura, chelyabinsk, columbia 2003 and discovery 1985. apparently, these 3-dimensional symmetry points are effective in transporting core and mantle gravitational energy to the surface and upper atmosphere. the result is agitation in a volcano, nuclear reactor or shuttle overheat.
nuclear accident cycles found to date include:
chelyabinsk-chernobyl 29-year saturn 1x cycle
chelyabinsk-tomsk-7 36-year jupiter 3x cycle
chelyabinsk-tokaimura 42-year uranus 1/2x cycle
possible 3-mile island saturn 28-29 year 1x cycle
saturn offset from chelyabinsk-chernobyl pattern by 90 degrees
completed 2007 or 2008 - not necessarily location repeat
2019+ Earth Trends Predictions
Uploaded Feb 12, 2019
Sequential Earthquakes
1) S Cascadia Subduction Rupture 9.0M, then
2) Entire San Andreas Rupture 9.0M- Mendocino to N Baja
Nuclear Accident
Fukushima-class Nuclear Accident due to merely 5.8M+ Earthquake directly under
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant resulting in Mercalli shaking VIII+. Total Cost $2T+ ;
California Current - part of N Pacific Gyre - will carry radioactivity 1500 miles
down W Mexico Coastline devastating local economies.
Crop Losses
Meridional Jet Stream Flow - March to Mid-April, August to November 2019
Drought or Excess rain - adjacent 650-mile wide North/South corridors resulting in
US crop loss 20% causing 15% increase in consumer food prices
Repeat of 2019 except Meridional Flow occurs May to Oct 2020
2021 - 2025
N America Crop Loss - Average 75%/yr due to Long-Term Cyclical Drought
2020 Selected Dates
2020/07/14-20 - EQ 7.8M+, Volcano 30K Ft plume, Tornadoes 20+, Category 3 Storm
2020/10/16 - EQ 8.0+, Volcano 35K Ft plume, Tornadoes 20+, Category 4 Storm
2019 Earth Events Prediction Table
Event Date |
EQ Mag |
Volc Ft Plume |
Tornadoes |
Storm |
Comments |
Uploaded |
2019/02/17 |
0700 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/03/21 |
0130 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
High Risk for EQ Incl San Andreas, Liquefaction |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/04/19 |
1100 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
High Risk for San Andreas |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/05/18 |
2100 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/06/08 |
2000 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
EQ w/Liquefaction |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/07/16 |
2130 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
EQ w/Liquefaction |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/08/24 |
1000 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 5 |
Tropical Storm |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/09/08 |
1330 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 4 |
Tropical Storm, EQ w/Liquefaction |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/10/17 |
2200 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
High Risk for San Andreas, Liquefaction |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/11/11 |
0415 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
High Risk for EQ w/Liquefaction |
Feb 12, 2019 |
2019/12/26 |
0500 |
7.0+ |
25K |
10+ |
CAT 3 |
High Risk for EQ |
Feb 12, 2019 |
on prediction dates - nuclear accident, meridional jet stream flow w/ hot
& cold extremes, floods, lesser intensity extratropical storm compared
to predicted tropical storm, barometric pressure high & low extremes,
hail, electromagnetic disturbances- emds -examples would be
explosions, certain aviation accidents, extreme lightning and seizures
