Uploaded 2022-10-04
Note the vector offset of Mars opposite Venus relative to the Sun. The Sun is part of a broad axis which includes Jupiter and Saturn. This overall pattern set up the conditions leading to static electricity which affected the spacecraft immediately after splashdown.

nasa photo - shuttle landing - nasa does not endorse private websites

endeavour re-entry overheat - august 21, 2007
ecliptic tilt view
with symmetry shown outside ecliptic plane
hurricane dean over yucatan peninsula
the earth sets up axes with three powerful units about 120 degrees apart in this 3-dimensional presentation: 1) achernar - an energetic star 2) deneb - another energy producer and 3) the combination of sun, saturn and regulus. regulus is another extremely powerful star relatively close to the earth. this symmetric combination is superimposed and simultaneous with the ecliptic (sun-earth plane) 80/100 degree pattern shown below.
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endeavour re-entry overheat - august 21, 2007
bird's eye view of ecliptic or sun-earth plane
most of the solar system bodies are contained in this 80/100 degree ecliptic diagram! the ideal of 80/100 degrees for the diagram is based on the angular separation of regulus with the backbone of antares-aldebaran. see the k pattern under ecliptic/volcanoes.
on a long-term basis regulus is 80.1 degrees from aldebaran and 99.9 degrees from antares - powerhouses within the sun-earth plane.
this date includes endeavour's "hotter-than-normal-rentry (1)" and hurricane dean's unwelcome visit to the yucatan peninsula.
note the four axes in this "peace-symbol-like" pattern: 1) uranus, 2) mars-aldebaran, 3) moon-jupiter-antares and 4) sun-saturn-regulus!
the net effect is that gravitational microshear is set up and the shuttle undergoes turbulence in space before it ever hits anything classically called weather. the normally smooth laminar or layer flow is exchanged for turbulent flow and results in hotter than normal temperatures on the shuttle surface.
(1) brian williams - nbc special report 12:35 pm edt, august 21, 2007
coverage of the endeavour's return from space

columbia 3 - dimensional symmetry
ecliptic tilt view
in most of the other diagrams, the view is from the above the north pole of the sun looking down onto the ecliptic plane. in this view, the ecliptic is tilted slightly, so that the view is about halfway between the north pole of the sun and its equator. however the focus of the diagram is on the earth, so it is a geocentric diagram.
note the jupiter, earth, moon, sun, neptune alignment. within the sun-earth, or ecliptic plane, this lineup makes a symmetric design with the backbone of antares and aldebaran. these angles are about 63 and 117 degrees.
there are two stars highlighted outside the ecliptic plane-achernar and deneb. the solar system lineup mentioned above also makes almost the the same angular separations with these extra-ecliptic stars.
apparently the symmetric patterns somehow aid in transporting energy from the core and mantle to the regions just above earth. there may either be a high pressure zone effect in the upper atmosphere or some type of gravitational microshear effect which affects the shuttle's re-entry.

columbia - bird's eye view of the ecliptic plane
view from north looking south
with this accident, the numbers come up very close to the same as
tambora and discovery 1985.
<<jupiter, at almost exactly 1.5 revolutions around the sun, is almost exactly at a point opposite in the sky compared to 1985! (see above) >>
in fact, the j-e-mn-sun-n line sets up a 3-dimensional symmetry, just as the 1985 discovery pattern did.
columbia - ecliptic side view
in this view, the j-e-mn-sun-n subpattern of the previous diagram is tilted to show a side view of the ecliptic. although not shown, aldebaran has been tilted toward the front of the diagram and antares tilted toward the back. the same angular separations of approximately 64 and 116 degrees appear when the j-e-mn-sun-n alignment is measured with respect to achernar and deneb- two very energetic nearby stars!
shuttle re-entry overheating
planet-star patterns are associated with and appear to cause various solar system events. it is postulated that these patterns indirectly affect the upper atmosphere- the region where spacecraft re-enter.
moon-star subpattern and shuttle overheat
<<please notice that the moon is almost exactly at the same point in the sky for three different cases of shuttle re-entry overheating!>> this is solid evidence that there is an astronomical link to shuttle overheat!

discovery july 17, 2006 re-entry overheat
<<discovery sts-121 was predicted to be at risk for
re-entry overheat during the july 15-17 predictive window. this
at-risk situation was predicted on the "predictions 2006" page of this website.
it came down with scorch marks on the sides which are normally white.>>
astronomical symmetry theory proposed on this website is at least
partially validated because of the 7.7 magnitude indonesia earthquake which occurred only five hours earlier- within a very narrow three day window which is also shown on the "predictions 2006" page. please note localities are not
predicted for these geophysical events.
the july 15-17 window was predicted because of the overall pattern occurring during this time. this consisted of a "double k" with legs composed of jupiter, spica, pollux-sun-mercury and alhena. observe
the close angular match of jupiter-aldebaran at 149.0 degrees with that of the long-standing alhena-aldebaran angle of 148.6 degrees!
also illustrated, the saturn-antares angle was 117.6 and this
measurement is within the ecliptic or sun-earth plane. study the "ecliptic side-view" and "3-dimensional symmetry" diagram to see how this angle matches very closely the saturn-star angles which extend outside the sun-earth plane. this is very definitely
three-dimensional symmetry!
<<the position of jupiter for the
2003 columbia loss was only one degree different compared to that of saturn for this episode of overheating!!!>>
the three-dimensional symmetry points definitely
have an effect on re-entry conditions.
the discovery 2005 and atlantis 2006 re-entries were considered to be at risk also because of symmetric patterns at
those respective times. night re-entries were chosen for both those flights
and apparently resulted in somewhat cooler temperatures.
<<nighttime re-entries are highly advised in all cases, since the orbiter experiences lower temperatures on descent in the darkness.>>

discovery 1985
with this overheating incident (1), both venus and jupiter are at points
in the sky which can set up 3-dimensional symmetry. this symmetric pattern is set up with the stars aldebaran and antares in the ecliptic plane, and
also achernar (alpha eridani) and deneb (alpha cygni). all these stars are
potent energy-producers.
(1)“lurking land mines endanger shuttle,” kelly, john and halvorson, todd,
florida today

columbia 1995
prior to 2003, the 1995 columbia mission was recorded as “the hottest entry”
on record (1). note the incredible overall symmetry shown with this composite diagram!
(1) “heat plagued prior missions,” friend, tim and vergano, dan, usa today, 02/05/2003

atlantis 2000
in may of 2000, there was a heat wave in the southern us. atlantis returned from space at the end of the month. it went up with a small defect in the wing (1) and this defect allowed hot plasma gas to flow past the protective tiles on re-entry.
although the heat wave was at the earth’s surface, the planet-star pattern associated with the heat wave may have exacerbated a situation which would have occurred anyway- overheating of the shuttle wing.
the various planet-star patterns associated with shuttle overheating may point to the concept of heat waves in the upper atmosphere.
(1) “earlier shuttle flight had gas enter wing on return,” schwartz, john and wald, matthew, the new york times, july 9, 2003
www. nytimes.com/2003/07/09/national/nationalspecial/09shut.html.

volcano and shuttle overheat comparison
in these diagrams, the earth-star and earth-planet lines have been continued or extrapolated through earth. note the similarity of pattern even though planetary positions are different.
apparently, some astronomical combinations result in agitation in the crust and cause volcanoes. other combinations cause agitation in the atmosphere.