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san francisco destruction by fire: view looking west from telegraph hill, showing unburned houses on summit of russian hill. st. francis roman catholic church, with excellent brick walls in foreground. photograph submitted to usgs by frank soule
1907 usgs report on 1906 san francisco earthquake & fire. usgs does not endorse private websites.
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san francisco earthquakes
1906 & 1989
The two san francisco earthquakes occurred 83.5 years apart. note that, although specific bodies change position, the red, green and purple axes are repeated in each earthquake. Even the 1906 spica-earth-sun axis is repeated in 1989 as spica-sun-earth.
And the 1906 antares-e-j-aldebaran axis is repeated in 1989 as antares-venus-e-moon-aldebaran.
Uranus has completed almost a full 84-year orbit in 1989. neptune is on the same axis as 1906 but at an opposite position in the sky.
The northernmost 296 miles of the San Andreas fault ruptured in the 1906 earthquake. Click here for a USGS virtual tour of the 1906 event.
for east turkey 7.2m earthquake
october 23, 2011 click here

howard street: buckling caused by earth flow. photograph by g.k. gilbert
1907 usgs report on 1906 san francisco earthquake & fire
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easter sunday
baja california earthquake
mexico april 4, 2010 7.2m
increasing evidence shows that a triad or tetrad involving antares and pollux will result in a geological event. the mexicali earthquake showed both- a s-ant-poll triad and two different tetrads. the tetrads were composed of sun-j-ant-poll and mc/v-n-ant-poll. sun & jupiter were symmetric with saturn. the axis pair composed of mercury/venus on one axis & neptune on the other axis were also symmetric with saturn.
this same pattern, with allowance for movement of the moon, was also associated with the west virginia mine explosion on april 5, 2010.
an 1892 earthquake in the same area of the same magnitude resulted in a difference of 118.110 years. this means the following cycles for large planets would apply: j 9.957 s 4.010 u 1.406 n 0.717 note the near-whole numbers for jupiter and saturn and the near-half-cycle for uranus! this 1892/2010 repeat was also echoed by european russia drought!

san francisco peninsula: damage to pilarcitos 30-inch pipe line
photograph submitted to usgs by frank soule
1907 usgs report on 1906 san francisco earthquake & fire
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ruin of the $7,000,000 city hall by earthquake and fire. the building was a monument of poor
workmanship,materials and design. photograph by frank soule
comment & photo from 1907 usgs report on 1906 san francisco earthquake & fire
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san fernando earthquake
february 9, 1971
associated with this 6.6 magnitude california earthquake is the tetrad composed of the sun, moon, spica and the mars-jupiter-neptune-antares axis.
almost perfectly symmetric with earth-sun and earth-moon axes is the earth-saturn axis. this results in a sun, moon and saturn triad.
the combination of the tetrad and triad result in a pentad with saturn also symmetric with antares and spica!

usgs photo - 1906 san francisco earthquake - usgs does not endorse private websites

1906 san francisco earthquake fence offset
usgs photo - usgs does not endorse private websites

owens valley california
earthquake 1872

1906 san francisco earthquake fault trace - 2 miles n of skinner ranch
usgs photo -usgs does not endorse private websites

usgs photo - usgs does not endorse private websites
1906 san francisco earthquake

bullock & jones building: buckled columns and collapsed floor panel
photograph by richard l. humphrey
1907 usgs report on 1906 san francisco earthquake & fire
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